Heavy snow sleets in Doda j&k


Today Snow sleets fall on the shape of white tenis ball
In our Chenab region of Jammu and Kashmir people's enjoying the sleetfall surprisely,
In the month of April which is not possible a single drop of rain and we can say very  rare chances of rain fall, snow fall whether on 4th of April 2017 heavy snow balls fall on District Doda around 05:00 pm in the evening.

Under some atmospheric conditions, snow crystals may encounter super cooled water droplets. These droplets, which have a diameter of about 10 Âµm (0.00039 in), can exist in the liquid state at temperatures as low as −40 °C (−40 °F), far below the normal freezing point. Contact between a snow crystal and the supercooled droplets results in freezing of the liquid droplets onto the surface of the crystal. This process of crystal growth is known as accretion. Crystals that exhibit frozen droplets on their surfaces are often referred to as rimed. When this process continues so that the shape of the original snow crystal is no longer identifiable, the resulting crystal is referred to as graupel.[3]Graupel was formerly referred to by meteorologists as soft hail. However, graupel is easily distinguishable from hail in both the shape and strength of the pellet and the circumstances in which it falls. Ice from hail is formed in hard, relatively uniform layers and usually falls only during thunderstorms. Graupel forms fragile, oblong shapes and falls in place of typical snowflakes in wintry mixsituations, often in concert with ice pellets. Graupel is also fragile enough that it will typically fall apart when touched.[4]

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