A teen was arrested over alleged rape of a 13-year-old girl in Jammu and Kashmir's Doda district on Sunday, police said.The 19 year-old boy who hails from Hamdanpura area of Doda has confessed to committing the crime, said an official.The girl, a 7th standard student of a local school, was allegedly repeatedly raped by the boy for past several days.The youth was known to the girl andhad allegedly enticed her with some gifts, said a top police officer.“The boy took advantage and started visiting the girl’s place as her parents who were working as labourers at Nagrota near Jammu remained mostly away,” said SSP Doda Zahid Naseem Manhas.“After the complaint, an FIR 36/2016 was lodged at Police station Doda, the girl was medically examined and rape confirmed." The accused, who had fled from the locality after committing the crime, was apprehended last night by a special squad constituted for the purpose, said Manhas.“The accused person who confessed to the crime was booked under section of Protection of Children from Sexual Offence Act, 2012, Ranbir Penal Code (RPC) section 376 (Rape),” .



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